Tuesday, February 21, 2012

little one. big prayer.

In the shadows, the rocking back and forth, slow and calming.  She is still and hushed in my arms.  I begin, “Dear Jesus,”

And from across the room, in a bed that makes him look so very small. Under four blankets and one pair of Thomas the train pajamas…

Thank you Potato Head.  Thank you eyes. Thank you other ear in morning(the one we can’t find). Thank you light off. Thank you hat. Thank you nose. Thank you Hudson’s nose back (a game we play). Thank you glove. Thank you play scarf. Thank you new car. Thank you Lightning and Mater. Thank you silly monsters. Thank you TV. Thank you Harper. Thank you Daddy. Thank you Daddy and Mommy. Thank you play house. Thank you make house (a project from today). Thank you house.  Thank you MMs (the candy) Thank you tortilla. Thank you light. Thank you moon. Thank you dark outside.  Thank you good day.  Thank you shoes. Thank you shoes back. Thank you gloves back. Thank you play gloves.  Thank you Uncle Josh. Uncle Josiah. Thank you sandwich and chips.  Thank you milk.  Thank you Harper’s shirt. Thank you Harper’s baby car.  Thank you hippo. Thank you animals. Thank you elephant. Thank you other elephant.  Thank you baby Jesus. Thank you obey mommy. Thank you daddy home to us.

A recap of the day? A stall tactic? Or a whole bunch of thankful pouring out of a three year old?

Either way, my smile hurts my face.


Linking up with Just Write


Here's the thing: I love your comments.
So thank you.

Have a lovely day.
Drink some coffee.