Saturday, March 19, 2011

Charleston Part 1- The Friends

A week ago, I was sitting in the company of six of the most spectacular friends that a girl can have.  Our trip to Charleston was nothing short of perfect, except for the part where we had to say goodbye.  I don’t even want to talk about it, because it was intense.  But, now I’m going to talk about it. It was horrible.  To me, it felt as awful as it did the day after our college graduation when our celebrations turned into a brutal reality that we were saying goodbye and parting ways into the big scary world, which none of us suddenly wanted to face.  That’s pretty much how I felt when we all stood around in circle, after lunch on Monday afternoon, wearing our sunglasses to hide the tears that streamed down all of our faces.
It was just so wonderful to spend two and half days together again, just being us.  Words can hardly describe the feeling of being surrounded by friends who know you more than anyone, the ones who became your family, the ones who journeyed with you into the scary world of post-child-almost-adult-college-adult-life, the ones who were in your wedding, and the ones you feel so far away from, too often. 
This post isn’t supposed to drive anyone into a frenzy of tears (good thing you can’t see me right now), it’s just that when you find friends like these and you get to spend time with them, it’s a gift and a treasure.
We did what we do best, we laughed, we laughed to the point of tears, we enjoyed leisurely coffee dates, we noticed beauty, inspiration, and perfection where it existed.  We reminisced and talked about boys and (now) husbands and kids. We bought pashminas and shared accessories.  We wore breakfast jewelry and got ready in the bathroom together.  We took photos, literally hundreds of them.  There was al fresco dining, shopping, a visit to the ocean, sunset watching, staying up way too late, and having the most fun possible.
I am so blessed to know these girls and I can’t imagine not having them in my life...  Charleston 2011 was perfection.
Up next:  Charleston Part 2: The Coffee


Here's the thing: I love your comments.
So thank you.

Have a lovely day.
Drink some coffee.