Monday, March 28, 2011

The H & H Weekly #8

This feature has pretty much become my version of a baby book. I love that, since the actual baby books I bought are in some box in one of the closets. I kept up with the little boy’s for like two weeks and then… nothing.  Personally, baby books feel too much like scrapbooking to me and please don’t hate me for this, but I’m not a scrap booker.

The mister informed me that when little h turned 2 months old that she would instantly become a daddy’s girl and I would no longer be her favorite.  Watching them together is possibly the sweetest thing in the world.

Big H is starting to help me in the kitchen.  He poured the chocolate chips into the bowl and enjoyed his first taste of cookie dough.  I think it changed his life.  Then his hands got dirty and he didn’t like that.  So, I washed them off and he reached for another bite. Silly.

1 comment:

  1. I made chocolate chips with a three year old today. He was not so fond of getting his hands dirty either. And when we tye dyed last week, he was very upset by the small blue stain on his right thumb. He washed his hands several times before he was satisfied. :)
    I love reading the H and H weekly.
    And I'm not a fan of scrap booking either. :)


Here's the thing: I love your comments.
So thank you.

Have a lovely day.
Drink some coffee.