Monday, February 14, 2011

Can we talk Grammy's?

I'm a fan of the Grammy's.  Most of the time I just like making fun of the crazies, because you know that place is packed full of them, like Gaga.  Don't. Get. Me. Started.    And then there's that Crazy Katy Perry and some little boy that everyone loves, who is an obvious lyrical genius, "Up Up Up Up. Never say never or something like that." Whatever. Oh, there was also some strange peacock man with puppets, and we all know how much I HATE puppets. But I do love Gwyneth.

But, goodness all of that is just so entertaining, this cannot be denied.

And sometimes, mixed in with that garbage on the charts and such, can you tell I'm a big fan of the radio, right... anyways, sometimes you get some great performances and artists who possess actual talent win awards, and that's pretty cool.

Anyways, before we continue, you must know how much I love Bob Dylan.  It's a lot.  We can talk about that later.  So, you can imagine, just how much I loved, LOVED, loved, the trio that was Mumford & Sons, The Avett Brothers, and Mr. Bob Dylan himself.  Dear person who decided to put this on the show, thank you.

What, you need to see the video? Of course, you do. Watch.

Also, I loved the little tribute to Dolly Parton by these three.  Who doesn't love Dolly?  Loving Norah's hair, don't be shocked if I take a picture of this to the salon soon...


  • I think that I'm a new fan of Lady Antebellum, although I'm not so into country music.
  • I was totally blown away that Arcade Fire won Album of the Year, and rightly so, I mean, The Suburbs was basically our summer soundtrack.  It's just that this sort of thing usually doesn't happen on the Grammy's.
  • And please don't tell anyone, but I sorta, maybe, just a little like Rhianna's voice.  Shhh... This could ruin me if anyone found out.
So, that's what I thought about the Grammy's.  Most of all, I just wanted an excuse to watch that video over and over and over again, because I just really, really like  Bob, the Sons, and the Brothers.   These are all just my opinions and you can totally disagree if you want. 

And now I stop being a music/award show critic and work on another post about Valentines Day or something.


  1. i missed them - but i will have to watch that trio. love all three of them.


    Thanks for the picture. :)

  3. oooooooh, I'm so glad you put that video up! I hadn't seen it and the grammy's took them all off of youtube.

    also, I LOVE DOLLY.

    also, you should watch the video I linked to today. It's pretty durn funny.


Here's the thing: I love your comments.
So thank you.

Have a lovely day.
Drink some coffee.