Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Eve


Please don’t hate me as you read this, but while most of you are frantically checking off items on your to do lists and running last minute errands, I have  exactly no list.  Granted, I have to be mommy to a  little boy, make coffee, and take a nap, but I do that everyday.

Tomorrow, I’ll do an abridged cleaning of the house and prepare a few appetizers in anticipation of my family coming over for a night of laughter and feasting.  The rest of the weekend is ours, a magical holiday spent with my two favorite people in the whole world.  No stress, no drama, no travels.  This is the part where being 36 weeks pregnant rocks my world. 

Last night during the Christmas “Eve” church service, the room sparkled with the flickering lights of each candle being lit, while we softly sang, Silent Night.  The instruments and lights faded and only the voices remained as the beautiful melody filled the air and stilled our souls.  As we sang the story that changed our lives for all of eternity, the words were never more beautiful or meaningful.

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright

Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth

That’s what this Christmas is about to me.  Embracing the simplicity, the stillness, and the abundance of blessings that surround us.  Cherishing the weeks before our little family grows to four.  Loving this gift of being together, when time lately seems consumed by my husband’s two jobs.  Losing ourselves in this beautiful story that we get to be a part of each and every day, our story, one that would never be the same without Jesus and his birth.

Merry Christmas Eve Eve to all of you in whatever bliss or busyness you may find yourself. 


P.S.  Immediately following Silent Night, the band rocked the coolest auto-tune/drum machine version of Little Drummer Boy anyone has ever heard.  It was awesome.



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So thank you.

Have a lovely day.
Drink some coffee.