Sunday, August 22, 2010

a weekend at grandpa’s. part four: conclusion.

This is part four of a series of posts on my recent trip up North to my grandfather’s house, the last time before he would be moving away from his gorgeous lake house to an assisted living home.  If you missed any of the posts, start  here.



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I really enjoyed recording the memories from our weekend trip to my grandfather’s house.  Living  a life of beautiful moments and priceless memories is very important to me, so I believe that no event is too insignificant to remember, because too many things are forgotten. 

As I get older, I am beginning to see that all those silly people who said, “time goes by so quickly, don’t wish it away,” were annoyingly right.  It goes.  Quickly.  So, remember, cherish, love, and live intentionally. 

To conclude these posts, I want to share a few last words.  These are not my own, but I’ve already shared my best.  These words are beautiful, honest, and true.   I leave you with these thoughts from my amazing husband, Mr . Moore.

My wife's Grandfather is 89, and his name is Fred. Fred lives in Minnesota, in an unusual house, on a lake. He built the house in the 1980's to help welcome him and his wife into retirement...his wife, Irma, my wife's Grandmother, passed away recently, and the house that love built has been sold to another couple, nearing retirement. Grandpa Fred is moving to an assisted living home... We spent the night in Fred's unusual house, heard stories, saw loneliness...indulged in sentiment. I will always remember the house that Fred built, not for it's unique charm, detailed craft, nor energy efficiency...I will always remember the house that Fred built for it's warmth, and the man who built it.
Age comes like a thief and takes...but the unusual house that Fred built stands as a testament to the purpose it served...and the accomplishment of one man with great vision and skill to accomplish something great.



1 comment:

Here's the thing: I love your comments.
So thank you.

Have a lovely day.
Drink some coffee.