Tuesday, August 3, 2010

baby growing diaries, entry #3

In the coming months, we’ll be able to see our little one on the ultrasound monitor again, in all their growing splendor.   This time, we’ll be able to see more than a small bit that is supposed to resemble the baby.  There will be fingers and toes and waving hands and smiles, which of course will come at the high cost of discomfort.  You know, when they make you drink all sorts of fluids, then press all over your swollen stomach and full bladder for ages.  But, we never remember that part, do we?

As I anticipate that date, I’m all caught up in one idea… which is the idea of whether or not to find out the gender of this little one.  I’m not so much looking for answers of whether or now you think we should find out, because this isn’t about you.  (Well, it’s not.)  I’m just pondering the very idea of it all. 

With little H, we found out, of course, so we could pick out the perfect bedding and decorate his room.  It was so much fun knowing halfway through that we would be meeting our little boy in the coming months.

With baby #2, I guess I’m less concerned with being prepared…  Because, obviously, how can one actually BE prepared to take care of TWO children, all day long, for a very long time. Two individual human beings with different needs, who need the same momma, heaven help me.

If you know me, and you probably do, if you’re reading this, you know I love the wonder, the unknown, and the mystery of life.  I’m imagining the wonder of it all, of waiting nine long months to know who will be joining our family.  I know it sounds crazy and it could very well drive me to insanity, but still...  I’m also thinking about how much fun it would be to make everyone else wait, too. Yes, I’m serious.  I just admitted that.

Perhaps, it would cut down on the unwanted distortion of faces when we share our name suggestions?  You know, those faces.  Keep your faces to yourself, make the world a better place.  Perhaps, it would help me be better at keeping our names a secret?  Which I could use lots of help since 1/2 of the people in our lives already have heard my favorite name choices 1,000 times, for the rest of our children.. and for dozens that we won’t have. Fail. 

On the other hand, it’s so much fun to pick out cute little outfits and shoes and finding the perfect bedding, and contemplate how your lives will change with baby boy or girl. 

So, I haven’t made up my mind and I don’t plan on doing so anytime soon.  My husband assures me that I will continue to change my mind up until the moment of decision, he knows me.    We’ll know the right thing to do, in the case, we’ll just know.

Until then, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject?  Would you wait?  Are you brave enough to handle a little mystery?  Could you know and not tell a single person?  Are you too much of a planner to wait?  I’d love to hear from you.  I love hearing your stories.  Thanks for stopping by today.



  1. I love knowing ahead of time...planning, naming, decorating, dreaming about that little person. I've known with both my pregnancies what I was having before the ultrasounds "proved" it...but it's still so wonderful to get that confirmation...for me, anyway. :)

  2. Haha... I guess we're pondering the same things at the same time! Honestly, the preparation is the least of my reasons -- any encouragement to remain streamlined and simple sounds good to me. I just always preferred to anticipate rather than wait for a surprise.

    Another cute idea that I heard was to take the envelope (with the gender sealed inside) to a bakery and ask them to make a little cake that says "It's a boy!" or "It's a girl!" Open it after dinner and voila! Celebration is always more fun with cake.

  3. I hate surprises and ALWAYS want to know. Afterwards it feels natural to refer to the baby by its gender and think about how he'she might look, what traits he'she will have and, of course, the names :)
    but that's just us, to each their own, enjoy this amazing journey

  4. I did not find out with my daughter (and she's my first). My husband fought me the entire time (and his family too!) but I held my ground. I figured I SHOULD have last say. When she popped out and the doctor said, "It's a girl", I will never forget the look on my husband's face. He immediately turned to me and said, "if we have more, we should never find out". Life has too few surprises! This one, for us, was the most special! I don't think you would ever regret NOT finding out. It's so exciting!!!


Here's the thing: I love your comments.
So thank you.

Have a lovely day.
Drink some coffee.