Monday, April 27, 2009

Antiques: Artist Date #2.

My second artist date was great, although I must admit I didn't go alone.  Matt and I had a lovely time browsing through all the antique shops and dreaming of all the the items we'd love to own.  We have definitely decided that if we had the choice, we'd decorate most of our home with collected pieces from all time periods.  Here are some highlight photos...
a hat lover.
perfect for a summer afternoon
simply delightful.
wishing my bookshelf looked so cheerful.
can't stop dreaming of a rocking horse for my little boy's room.

Week two was pretty good, although I was sick and slacked on some of the writing activities and morning pages.  Reading the chapter, I related to the different people in my life who have been supporters/crazy makers/enemies of my creativity.  I was always encouraged to pursue my dreams, but when it came to art, I don't think that those around me took my passion seriously enough to give me the support that I needed and desired.  I think that hindered some of my potential in previous years.  However,  I am blessed with an incredible husband who has been my number one fan and since being here, I have a great friends who have done nothing but encourage and support so many of my new projects. I finally feel that I have a great group of support around me, that allows me to create my way, rather than impose their own tendencies. It's such a great feeling to have people who really believe in your talent, rather than simply humoring it.  Granted, I've had some great support throughout the years, but it is becoming more and more evident how certain people have influenced my life, for better or worse.

Morning pages have been great, it really does help to flush out all the thoughts that I don't really want to share with anyone and allowing my mind to start the day with a fresh slate.

Looking forward to week three and thankful for all the blessings in my life.


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So thank you.

Have a lovely day.
Drink some coffee.