Monday, January 17, 2011

baby growing diaries #15

A few night ago, at an hour much too late to be awake for a very pregnant mama and a very hardworking daddy, we were talking to H and telling her just how ready we were to meet her.  We started talking about what she will be like, her personality and such.    In my head, I already have an idea of what kind of little girl she will be.   Of course, I really can’t know until she decides to vacate her temporary home, but I’ve sort of been thinking about this for a while.  Frankly, I think she’s going to be ridiculous, funny, the silliest thing you’ve ever seen, and spilling over with personality.  Maybe, just maybe. Now, saying all of this means I’m in for a real adventure, but isn’t all of parenting that way?
To give you a better picture of the little wonder I am imagining, think Lola from Charlie & Lola meets Olivia the pig.  Now, I have always loved Olivia, (for reasons other than sharing a name) she’s hilarious and so clever.  I even started collecting the books just for myself. 
If you aren’t familiar with Lola, here’s a segment of the show, I wish it was more popular here in the States.  Honestly, I crack up every single time I watch and this started before I had any kids.  Lola is just amazing and she’s a tiny bit dramatic too.  The following video is a little long (10 minutes), but if you have the time, you’re certain to be entertained.
I just adore Charlie & Lola.
It makes me laugh just to think of h being this perfect mix of these two characters.  But, maybe she’ll be completely different, who knows.  I guess there’s only one way to find out.

1 comment:

  1. i ADORE lola...and charlie's patience with her...such a great show.


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